Thursday, June 21, 2007
Being about the 6th day that I've gone with about 4 hours of sleep I'm really not quite sure if I'm really typing this or imagining I have....I'll have to check later on about 4am when I'm actually 'awake'. But thought I'd let the inquiring mind know that I am indeed alive and well (depends on your definition of "well" actually), but being the middle of the semester the professors have some sort of collective vendetta against us and are slamming us with readings, assignments, negotiations and like the majority of students, I'm treading water - but that's law school for you.

I had started and then stopped writing a number of posts because I get side tracked so if I did post it you'd have half a story or anecdote, which may leave you to think I dozed off and posted something without knowing or my blog was hijacked.

Next week will is quite literally a week from hell so I will update and reply to comments (sooooooo sorry for not replying to ones from last post!!!! Promise will do it soon!) in a couple weeks after I've caught my breath. I know I've also been tagged in a few things (thank you, thank you so much for thinking of me...I've not forgotten!) so I will have a flurry of updates soon!

Til then my only means of communication with the world is through cryptic Facebook messages, one-sided MSN conversations (the other person being the one conversing that is...again, sorry!) and phone conversations where I'm trying to figure out Fardon v Attorney-General of State --- and explain to my mother that I am not mad at her, nor am I depressed or on drugs and 'yes' I have eaten.

On the same note, do forgive me for not commenting on your blogs, though I will tell you that I am updating myself on them during my lectures and other moments of time.

Hope everyone is happy and healthy.

Blogger Hash & Hana said...
miss you khadeeja... come back!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
ah, good luck :D

Blogger ZenDenizen said...
I never knew your real name :)

Blogger BanikaB said...
Last night I was tempted to msg you when your name said you were in class. I thought, If she can go to class, she can definitely blog!

But I guess not...=( At least I know my sacrifice is going to make you a lawyer. I'm a very good friend.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Law school...good luck :) One question though, will your law degree be recognized here in Canada, or do you need to take an equivalency exam or something? Just wondering.

Blogger Humz said...
Hope you're enjoying girl!

Blogger youngMuslimah said...
relax, take your time and good luck w/ everything:)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Good luck honey!

Thinking of you.

Much love,

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Good luck chica! I was going to call you but you're not on MSN so I'm not sure you're awake, I'll wait till a better time!

Blogger singlemuslimah said...
Relax, take your time.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Iyer who?
Iyer you not updating your blog?

Blogger Totally Frank said...

Hope the move to “down under” went well and all is well!

I also took a short break from the blogging world. You can never find the time nowadays! It’s sooo annoying! But it’s fun catching up and reading your usual favorite haunts.

Take your time and chill, well try to anyways! :-)

Take care.


Blogger Hafsa said...
i hope u are enjoying school :D

Blogger AKA said...
Hana - Miss you too!

Pravin - Thank you :)

Zendenizen - the whole "AKA" is an acronym for my intials...not the most original, but since I have two names I go by, it just worked :)

Anika - lol the only reason I turn on msn in class is to talk to my brother (no offence...would definitely talk to you too if you did msg). You are indeed one of the greatest friends ever.

Mousehunter - thanks; I do need to take some exams when I come home - so even though I'll be thrilled about graduating, it doesn't stop there. Same thing process if you do law in any other country, including the US.

Humz - I am....just need sleep to recover lol

Young Muslimah - thank you so much :)

Samosa - Thank youuuuuu! FB poking just isn't enough eh?

Single Muslimah - I think I just need to learn to breathe during the stressful times lol

Haleem -
Knock Knock
Who's there?
I don't know an Iyer. I don't open the door for strangers. You have 5 seconds to get off my property before I sue you with every form of trespass available and pepper spray your sorry self in self-defence.

(joke did make me laugh - thank you for that)

Totally Frank - the move went well, funny to think it's already been two months! I start off with posts but never finish them - when I go back to them I forget all the things I wanted to write...

Hafsa - I am thanks! Busy, but fun as well :)