Monday, May 28, 2007
It's a truth universally acknowledged that a person in search of a purpose will eventually come face to face with it just when they near give up hope.

Unfortunately, I have yet to come face to face with my purpose, and fortunately, I've yet to give up hope on it. I know it's a more 'romantic' notion, to think we have some meaningful purpose in our life to fulfill - something that makes it seem like we made a difference or at the very least will be remembered after we've passed.

Sitting here so far from home I've gained the perspective that though no one knows how long they will live, there are plenty of moments that we can grasp and flip upside down to change what we want in our lives. Not to say we have any true control - I'm a firm believer in destiny and we will travel down the path that God has intended for us. But we're fortunate that every day allows a new beginning to change what we did yesterday.

I sound like a sedated wannabe-poet. But, I actually have a point, somewhere.

I've always been a fairly shy person, just my nature. And having moved around so much in my life (count is now at 11 different places, and 10 different schools) I've developed a dependency on myself. I've never been one to ask others advice (not that I don't think they will help me or won't have anything of value to say) just because it seemed that by the time I trusted someone and gained their friendship, something would happen that got me to start all over. But then again, I've always been the eldest in my own household and my mom's side so I've been the one everyone else, including the elders, came to to get advice.

I'm also a believer in "everything happens for a reason".

Take VDGfor example. Sure, she's kooky, and no, I'm not sharing an apartment with her next term, but one of her better qualities is that she says what she wants, when she wants to. Though that may not be the best thing in certain situations, it's gotten her to criticize (not in a rude way) some characteristics of mine that I'd never thought about - such as my insistence on being as independent as possible. She pointed out that though it is a good quality, you need to learn to trust people and share your problems to help grow a friendship. I've actually struggled a long time with this, especially with a very good friend of mine who I'd get into arguments with when it was obvious I was upset, but wouldn't tell anyone why.

My thinking on it was that I shouldn't bother people with my problems and that no one would really care, so I need to take care of it on my own. But it does make sense the other way, doesn't it?

Another girl I met here has such a bright personality that she can (and does) go up to a group of strangers and start up a conversation and come back 15 minutes later having made friends with all of them (including adding them to MSN and Facebook - the blooming ground for friends...ha). I am in total awe of that. I could never imagine myself doing that - even if I knew one person within that group I'd still think twice (ok, thrice) about going up to them. "What if they look at me? And judge me?? And don't like me?! And find out that I am neurotic and strange and overly addicted to ER???"

But, having watched and talked to her made me realize that I could be missing out on making some great friends and that I do not have a Friendship Magnet that will attract unsuspecting potential-friends my way. I have to make the effort and go out in search of them and be more open.

Somehow people have got it in their head that I'm supposed to meet the love of my life down here (maybe they are just desperate to see me get married..!?) and although I have no idea whether that will happen, I can say that so far Australia is helping me grow into a better person.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Its a good thing to be independant but it is important to open up to others as well. Friends care about you and what you're going through regardless of if its something as small as vanilla or chocolate or something huge you're upset about.

And I am certain people would love to be friends with you b/c you are superfuncool! How about you make a deal with yourself? Go out of your way to chat up one new person every week and at the end of the month you get a new purse?

We missed you yesterday! Us Toronto desi bloggers went out to lunch and we totally were sad that you weren't there!

Blogger BanikaB said...
First of all, I loathe the idea of you finding the love of your life there. I intend to be involved in the entire process - giving him cut eye, threatening him, knockig his chai cup over. In general, hazing him.

I guess what I see when I look at you is different than what you see of yourself. Yes, I see an independant young lawyer to be, but I also see someone who made ME feel extremely comfortable when I first met her. So comfortable in fact, that she is one of the only few people I still talk to from that period.

You are reserved, I will give you that. But I wouldn't call you shy. You can carry on a conversation easily with people when you decide to. And when you do, it's usually damn funny!

"What if they look at me? And judge me?? And don't like me?! And find out that I am neurotic and strange and overly addicted to ER???" What if they do? Liking someone is judging someone and in your case, I think that is the most likely conclusion they will reach. And if they don't like you, it's their loss and send them to me, I'll straighten them out! And honestly, you are strange and neurotic and overly addicted to ER. It's the truth about you and that's what makes you so special! I sound like your kindergarten teacher, but I promise, I mean every word.

What makes you strange is why you're so unique. And your neuroses (sp?) make you special (think Robert Munsch and Mortimer's Snowsuit). And your addiction...well, try to curb that. =P

Blogger singlemuslimah said...
Ditto what Ruby said about independance.

I'm sure people are going to love being your friend and you just may meet the love of your life down under. Be open to everything. That's something I've recently learned and I'm passing it on to you. You never know who or what is going to come into your life and why. Be open to it.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Even an independent flag flying proudly in the wind needs to rely on a flag pole. I know it's not terribly profound but someone once shared this with me and I found it really useful.

There was a quote by Umar the second caliph - "Be grateful unto those who points out your mistakes". Of course sometimes this 'pointing out' is all those people do hehe.

Looks like you are having fun!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You have been tagged.

Blogger Hash & Hana said...
hey u... i read ur blog after a long time... i loved ur entries about VDG! hahaha! i was laughing so loud, i think i woke up little noorie!

Blogger Ahmed said...
Being a shy person myself I know what you mean about not approaching people. And being more outgoing is something that I feel I always have to make a conscious effort towards. But its important to try b/c as you've stated in your post, there are great people out there and they aren't just magically going to become friends unless you make that effort. Glad to see your enjoying yourself and already growing from the experience :)

Blogger AKA said...
Ruby - I like that deal...purse plus friends - what's not to like! I will try to do that every week (purse or no purse :P)

I heard about the lunch! I'm so sad to have missed it!! One of many events I'm missing back home. But we will definitely plan something for August once you and I are home :)

Ankia - How do I love thee, let me count the ways...

Thank you so much for that. I think I did need an ego massage in order to feel better and you did the trick. I guess 'reserved' is a better word that 'shy' so I'll stick to that. I have no problem meeting people but maybe more of 'what the heck do I say??' is the issue. I should be used to small talk with my job from before, but maybe that's what's ruined it for me lol.

And I like my ER obsession, thank you. I need to curb my general, shall we say, "enthusiasm" for TV. It doesn't mix well with schoolwork!

Thank you so much again my dear. I'm so fortunate to have people like you in my life.

Single Muslimah - That's something I'm starting to realize. That we have no idea what could be good for us so experience everything and let it sort itself out. Thanks for the life lesson :)

Haleem - That is a great analogy! I am actually grateful for the criticism because it's meant for my good and it's something I know I need to improve on.

Hana - Poor baby Noor! lol. I've got more entires soon...just make sure you're in another room when you read :P

Ahmed - That's exactly it - I have to make a conscious effort to be more outgoing. To some it just seems so easy! But I'm glad we're both trying :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Being independent is relative, even relative in terms of the people one is with.

Blogger 'liya said...
Hmm you sound like me. It's my nature to just be a quiet person - esp. in large groups. Once I get to know people I open up a lot more (but that takes a very long time for me). It would be nice if you could make some lastng friends there to keep in touch with when you come back, even though it might be hard to approach people, start slowly and start with the SA girl next door - if she's South African and friendly she can't be that bad! :D