I can't ice skate - never learned on my own and was never taught
My major in undergrad was psychology, with a minor in geography (social) and almost in religious studies (needed one more full credit that I never bothered with...)
I'm currently on page 2 of "The Book" I'm supposed to have written by the end of November 2006
I used to pick off all the vegetables on my veggie pizza, but now I love the ones with broccoli, zuccini, red pepper and whatever else odd that could go on it...
My mom, dad, my brother and I ( I had just turned 14 and had just started grade 9 in high school) moved from Toronto to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where we lived 2 years. We then moved to California for a year and then we (my mom, dad, brother,
new baby sister and I) finally moved back to Toronto just before I started grade 12. This past November marked exactly 10 years since my family and I embarked on this "adventure".
I have a love for the Impressionist era in art history, but have never studied it on my own or know all to much about preceding or following periods.
I also love photography, so much so that I want to use my student loan money to buy a new camera. Though the one I want costs just as much as one credit at school...decisions, decisions..
The first car I wanted was VW Jetta - what I got was a 96 Pontiac Grand Am (which is now resting comfortably in a junk yard somewhere while my Buick LaCrosse has taken its place)
I started working for a bank a little over 4.5 years ago and I both love and hate it.
I'm not allergic to anything that I know of, but I have told people I'm allergic to dogs because of my irrational fear of them (when a woolly mammoth-esque dog comes barrelling across a park at
you when you're 6 years old, then we'll talk about 'overcoming fears' - and yes, even the Taco Bell dog scares me)
I hate to be girly and dress up myself, but at the same time I love different types of jewelry and clothing design. And I do have a thing for purses. Guess I am getting girly after all...*yuck*
Skydiving is
still something I want to do. Despite the chagrin of family and friends :D
I don't mind the
Canadian Southern Ontario winter other than the freezing rain that causes you to have to scrape off an inch of ice from your car windows in the morning when you are running really late for work. AND I am exceedingly afraid of slipping on ice and break bones, which thank God, I have never broken, yet... maybe I should learn to skate...
I'll play it cool, but I love the TV shows Prison Break, LOST, Heroes, How I Met Your Mother and Ugly Betty, Scrubs and above all, ER. Before you think I've shoved my law books under the sofa in attempt to watch all these shows, I'll have you know that I watch them on weekends while eating or simply taking a break. But seriously, don't tell my mom, 'kay?
And before you think I'm an illiterate fool, I am also in between two books right now: Truman Capote's
In Cold Blood and Asra Nomani's
Standing Alone - this is
why I don't have the time/patience/energy/motivation/incentive/consciousness to finish my own book. Don't give me that look...
I am finally learning to cook like the decent Indian girl I ought to be.
I took French until midway through university but still can't hold a decent conversation. Though I also want to learn Spanish and ASL.
I played the clarinet for two years in junior high. The furthest I made it was to second chair. Just wasn't good enough for first. But I have always wanted to learn to play the drums, so maybe that's my true calling? Besides being a lawyer, of course...
Okay, so I've blabbered on about all these things about myself, but what I would like to know is more about other people.
Maniac Mommy posted a contest on her blog where she asked everyone to to post something unique and interesting about themselves in her comments section. I thought it was a great idea to find out something new and maybe even discover a few new blogs like she has.
She wanted to get 100 comments, but I know I'm not going to get anywhere near that (though it would be nice), so instead I'm just asking that you post something about yourself - anonymously if you
really want, but preferably not. As well, she had it running as a contest, but I thought I wouldn't do that since I know some of you outside the blogging world and it just wouldn't be fair - I couldn't live with the cold looks I'd get afterwards.
So - if possible, please spread the word for my little social-blog experiment and maaaaybe I'll give you a prize. Just don't tell the others.