I am bored of waiting at the Sydney airport and not looking forward to a 16 hour flight.
I am bored of waiting at the Sydney airport and not looking forward to a 16 hour flight, but excited to be going home.
I am bored of waiting at the Sydney airport and not looking forward to a 16 hour flight, but excited to be going home, but wish I had longer than 3 weeks.
I am bored of waiting at the Sydney airport and not looking forward to a 16 hour flight, but excited to be going home, but wish I had longer than 3 weeks and am paying a lot for hotspot internet.
I am bored of waiting at the Sydney airport and not looking forward to a 16 hour flight, but excited to be going home, but wish I had longer than 3 weeks and am paying a lot for hotspot internet as well as everything else at the airport.
I am bored of waiting at the Sydney airport and not looking forward to a 16 hour flight, but excited to be going home, but wish I had longer than 3 weeks and am paying a lot for hotspot internet as well as everything else at the airport.
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