I'm a little addicted to Spider Solitaire and Pyramid!! What?!!? You don't know those games!!! You poor deprived child. But I am warning you, that once you start playing it's hard to stop!
It's like the time someone told me to play Family Feud on uproar.com. I thought, "Ok no big deal, a couple games and I'm out of here". HA! Famous last words. I was soooo hooked to the game, I'd play late into the night. Heck I even made friends in the Family Feud chat room...lol...yes it's sad, but it was last summer when I was looking for a way to distract my self from my summer school classes. Fortunately it wore off with time, and I'm now finding the game addiction coming back (since I need more distraction from boredness) with the solitaire games...
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