Wednesday, November 10, 2004
I've wanted to go skydiving for the longest time, but no one I know is up for it (you chickens) so I have no one to go with! I thought about bunjee jumping too, but it's just bouncing up and down from an elastic so it doesnt seem as "adventurous" as skydiving, or even paragliding. It seem like one of those things you want to do once in your life time. I've heard tons of stories about how much fun it is, so I really want to try it out! As for it being dangerous...well so is driving a car! With all the maniacs driving around these days, and with our winter storms, would it be the same amount of risk? Maybe because we're all so used to the idea of driving so it's not scary. But doing things like bunjee jumping and skydiving arent your everyday activity, which is obviously part of its appeal. Try getting someone excited about driving around the block versus jumping out of a might be that they give you a weird look for both suggestions lol.
All in favor of me going skydiving say "aye"!