Once again we see how powerful the celebrity presence is. ONE: The Campaign to Make Poverty History is a new campaign backed by people like Brad Pitt, Robert DeNiro, Tom Hanks, Cameron Diaz and a whole list of others. Aid groups such as Oxfam, EveryChild, World Vision, Bread.org, Water Aid and tons of others have finally band together to form a voice to take on the issues of poverty, starvation and AIDS.
These epidemics have been fought agains for a long time and though much progress has been made, the amount of damage surpasses the recovery by tenfold and the situation is getting out of hand. You can go to the website above to see the TV ad and read up on what the goals of this new campaign are as well as find out who the partner organizations are.
I know many of you have or seen the yellow Lance Armstrong "Live Strong" bracelets that donate money to cancer research and raise awareness for the cause. ONE has come up with similar bracelets that are plain white and say "ONE" on them, as you see in the picture above.
I'm ordering 20 of these to give to people who want to raise awareness for this cause. If I run out I'll order more, but until then I thought I'd start with 20 to see if I'm successful.
There won't be a set "selling" price for these bracelets but rather a donation of whatever you're able to give. I'll forward the proceeds to Oxfam International who will use the money for aid.
Please let me know if you're interested in getting one.
In the meantime do your part by writing a letter to Prime Minister Paul Martin (apparently Bono wasn't as persuasive, so maybe we can help the process along):
The Prime Minister The Rt. Honourable Paul Martin 80 Wellington Street, 2nd Floor Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
Fax: 613-941-6900
E-mail: pm@pm.gc.ca ------------------------------------------------------------- Write to President George W. Bush
The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
Fax: 202-456-2461 E-mail: president@whitehouse.gov( I doubt he knows how to spell email, but hey it's worth a try...) ------------------------------------------------------------- Write to Prime Minister Tony Blair
The Rt Honourable Prime Minister Tony Blair 10 Downing Street London SW1A 2AA United Kingdom
E-mail Form ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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I wonder if they sell them here...
I really admire what you are doing...you are one of the few people who actually TAKE ACTION.