Thursday, January 06, 2005
Recently someone suggested the idea of not logging on to MSN for two weeks. Some of you may have just stopped dead in your tracks right then at the very thought of the idea. "TWO WHOLE WEEKS!?!" Yes. Two whole weeks. Now at first I didn't really know why I'd do it, but the idea makes lots of sense. These days we're so engrossed in our messaging services, be it MSN, Yahoo, AIM or ICQ, that we've lost track of a things. One of them is time for sure...I mean have you ever really stopped to think about how much time you spend on MSN conversations (aka convos ;p) in a day?

Sure it's great for all us procrastinators and for those of us who can't seem to keep in touch with all those people who live too far to call often. But I think a lot of us have gone in to a state of excess where whether you're at the computer the entire time or not, you're logged on! And yes I've done it too time to time, but I stopped awhile ago realizing how addicted I had become to MSN. There's so many other things I could be doing, and as it was mentioned that though these other activities could also be a waste of time, isn't it worth it to see if you can indeed do without MSN?

I thought the idea made a lot of sense and it's a good way to see how addicted you are! My favorite prof in university said that we've all become so addicted to technology that we create a need and purpose for it, where none really exists. Think about many times have you thought to go online to see if a certain person was there just so you could ask them something, that really didnt need to be asked, or could have waited until the next day when you'll see them. At that point when you log on, a few other windows pop up and next thing you know you're spending a couple hours chatting away.

A friend of mine really impresses me with her ideals. She doesnt have a cell phone, doesnt have messenger of any type, she rarely watches TV and basically does the opposite of the norm that you expect of most people. Instead she reads, and does all sorts of other activities that keep her just as occupied as me. In the end when I compare our lives, hers seems so much more rich and full.

I challenege you guys to take on what me and some others have, by not going on any type of messenger for two weeks...hell try one week if you think two is too much. Let me know how it goes!
Blogger RandomLiterati said...
As I've already said I won't be partaking in this "life experiment" since I KNOW I have no resolve haha. However I too will be keeping a journal these two weeks, seeing what MSN life is like without the usual people online. To all of you, I wish you luck!!! (Since I'm sure most of you will need it ;) ) and see you online in two weeks!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
$5 says u go online within 3 days hehe. but seriosly, i wish good luck wid this thing u tryin, still dun kno why u doin it, but gluck!

Blogger twistedbrick said...
It's funny how you are without MSN as well. I just had my computer formatted probably the exact day that you stopped using MSN, and when I tried to download it again a bloody virus appears and it can never load properly. I hardly use it either other than to chat with you and Ezther!