Wednesday, November 01, 2006
It's 9am. A new work/school day has begun. You arrive at work/school, rosy-cheeked and fueled with caffiene ready to begin a new day of challenges and complete goals. You hang up your coat, set your bag down set down your travel coffee cup, hop into your imitation-leather chair and log into your computer or laptop.

The day wouldn't start of on the right foot if you didn't check your email. After all, the last time you check it was 10pm last night. It's been 11 HOURS. The number of communcations you could have missed makes you almost light-headed. And just so you can be ahead of the game, you log into MSN Messenger/Yahoo Messenger/AIM just in case someone else needs to get in touch with your right away, they shouldn't have to go through the hassle of an e-mail.

"AH! An alert from I would have completely forgot her birthday had I not had this. Saved! Oh and I got my weekly Kraft Cooking e-magazine. Great recipes to try! Oh and look a forward, well that's silly - I'll just delete that...after I skim through it. It's one of those surveys everyone fills out, I'll just check out what my friend wrote..."

10 minutes later, after filling in your own answers and forwarding it on to your 10 email-forward buddies, you decide to mosey on to your blog list.

Starting off with your favourite blog and going over in your mind how great it is, you go through your checklist of other websites that need daily checking-up-on: the "other" blogs, gossip sites, sports scores, headline news, comics.

By this time either it's 11am and your coworkers start filtering in and out of your office to say their greetings and catch-up on what sensational happenings they've missed out on in your life since leaving your side at 5pm the evening before. Once you've debated over whether Tom Cruise's child is an alien or not you realize some proof that you've done actual work-your-paid-to-do must be present for you to legitimately be able to go to lunch in an hour. So you strap down, change your MSN Messenger status to "Busy - DND!!!" and get to work. Boss passes by and nods in approval when he/she sees you hards at work. Notes your name down for that next promotion.


You realize there are other students around you typing away on their laptops and that tiny distant but persistent voice in your head you've heard since 9am is actually the professor lecturing. Glancing at the minimized Word document you realize that "Week 8 notes. An executory accord is an accord that hasn't --" may not carry you through to final exams. You furiously start tapping away on your keys, straining to look at the laptop on the desk ahead of you (if only that guy would lean to the left and get his big head out of the way) to copy down bits of notes that you can fill in later. Then, the professor calls on you. Luckily, you've copied down just enough to get the gist of what's been going on in class and give a flawless answer - thoughtful and concise - enough to impress the professor so that she puts a little star next to your name and knows to go easy on you because you obviously know your stuff.

It's 12pm. Your stressful day has finally found a moment of serenity. You grab your coat and money and head over to the office door next to yours to see if your co-worker is ready to go out for lunch as planned in the IM she sent you a half hour ago.


It's 12pm and you've made is successfully through another Contracts class and can wait to get home so you can catch a couple hours of sleep before Oprah. You think about what to make for dinner - that recipe in the Kraft email seemed easy enough. Sounds good. Another day suffered through and a break well earned.

And to add to the list of Must-be-checked-daily-websites: The 9
(not the TV show - it's a countdown of the most popular things on the web)