Seems like just a short while ago we were welcoming 2005 and now it's over. A little sad to see the days flying by so fast, but another year and another time is approaching.
Lots of hopes, goals and "I-dont-knows". Going to be finishing up my job at the bank, moving to Michigan and start law school in about 8 months. Good friends are getting married. Good friends are having babies! (seems like you're all growing up with out me!). Lots to think about, more to do. Hopefully it all gets done!
Wishing everyone a wonderfully happy, healthy and prosperous 2006!
Peace will not come out of a clash of arms but out of justice lived and done by unarmed nations in the face of odds. Hatred ever kills, love never dies; such is the vast difference between the two. What is obtained by love is retained for all time. What is obtained by hatred proves a burden in reality for it increases hatred. - M. Gandhi
Why thank you very much Mr.Friendly-Tarrot-Card-Reader, I appreciate your promising predictions and hope they're indeed true (and wish you the same, if not more, success :))
Hey, InshAllah the upcoming year will be a year of many changes for you, if you decide to go to law school. At least that's how I felt... everything was so different than what I was used to - the people, the actual subject, etc. But you're a smart cookie and I'm sure you'll do great. :) Take care, Hana
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Hopefully yours went better than mine. Long story :S
Wish you a very happy and successful year *muah*
- Farheen
InshAllah the upcoming year will be a year of many changes for you, if you decide to go to law school. At least that's how I felt... everything was so different than what I was used to - the people, the actual subject, etc. But you're a smart cookie and I'm sure you'll do great. :)
Take care,