Saturday, December 10, 2005
With all the talk about the 2005 "Make Poverty History" campaign, the worry with supporters is that all the promises made by politicians this year will go ignored in 2006.

This can't happen. This issue is just too important, and progress has finally started to become apparent.

Send a holiday greeting card to Tony Blair to voice your concern!

Click the Make Poverty History band on the top right hand corner of this page to design your own card to send him! And they will be sent in time to decorate his fireplace mantle before Christmas ;)

I KNOW you have a couple minutes to're checking out this post at this very moment aren't you? What better way to end it off than by annoying an annoying politician!? It'll make your day!
Blogger Hash & Hana said...
I didn't know you were quite the activist. I've heard a lot about the Make Poverty History campaign... maybe because Brad Pitt is a spokesperson (oops, hope Hash isn't reading this) ;)


Blogger AKA said...
lol...a lot of people know it as the "campaign where Brad Pitt snaps his fingers and the ad is in black and white".

As long as it get people to realize the issue, i'm all for it. I'm not much of an activist. I don't go scream at rallies and tie myself to trees (though I did belong to Greenpeace for some time, but no tree hugging) but I try to spread the issues as best as I know how.

Don't worry Hana, I dont think your hubby would venture so far as my blog ;)