Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Normally I don't mind the winter. Sure it's about -24C with the windchill factor, but living in Canada you make your peace with it (more or less) and I don't mind snow. Only thing that gets to me is freezing rain. Give me a snowstorm over freezing rain. My biggest fear is that I slip on a patch of ice somewhere and crack my spine. It's actually rather amusing to see me cross a road or parking lot full of ice because I take the tiniest baby steps (though, even babies would be ashamed of how slow I go) in order to get to my destination safely.

Another thing winter does to many people is cause a winter depression. You haven't seen the sun in days, you're wearing endless layers of clothing to stay warm, your car is an icebox each time you get into it, you leave home earlier in the mornings to clean and warm up your car, you lost yet another glove...it's all stressful and frustrating. But like I said, I don't mind it.

Though this winter I seem to be more depressed than I have been in awhile. I'm not locked away at home - in fact with my new Elections Canada job, I'm actually out more. Things just don't seem right. People don't seem right. Things are changing at work and home (and don't you try to tell me that 'change is good' because, no, it's not) though temporarily. And I feel blah. Disappointed at the world and myself. Maybe it's because I haven't been at school in awhile. Maybe I miss exams? (Forget the life preserver, someone throw me a textbook!).

But I think it also has to do with getting older and realizing people aren't what they seem to be. I'm generally a very trusting person. It gets me into trouble, especially at work where people take advantage of it (client's, not coworkers). But now, more and more, I'm understanding how the world works and it's not a very promising realization.

I think someone has to sing Coldplay's "
Fix you" to me to make it all better.

People's selfishness is so disappointing. People don't share they don't care (I'm not going to burst out in song with this rhyming) and you find more bad than good.

Yes, I'm fortunate to know good people and have people I love who love me back. But unfortunately it doesn't stop there. Sometimes I want to delete this blog completely to erase all the silly things I've written and pretend I didn't bother sharing anything at all ("Blog? What's that? Nope, I never had one"). But then again it's nice to have a blog to rant to the world.

*sigh* I need April to roll around fast...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I know what you mean :( I'm okay with the winter, but it just means so much more work and you already feel so blah.

I didn't know you were working for Elections Canada! Congrats on the new job. So that makes a total of 5 jobs you work now? lol

- Farheen

Blogger AKA said...
You be quiet. It's technically only 3 now, though I havnt done the UofT one in awhile, so really right now it's just 2 :D

Blogger AKA said...
Oh - and at least I have a job! :p

Blogger RandomLiterati said...
(8) You are my sunshineeee my only sunshineeeeee you make me happyyyyyy when skies are grayyyyyy (or grey?) (8)

Blogger AKA said...
"grey" is Canadian spelling..

"gray" is American

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think it's your winter mood talking. My laziness to not get a another job really has nothing to do with this.

- Farheen