Monday, January 17, 2005
I didn't think 10 days would go by this fast but it did! And despite a couple drop outs, I think the project is going well - just 4 more days to go!

I just realized today, that up until now, I've changed schools a total of 9 times. NINE! Though that number includes moves from jr. high to high school etc, we've moved so much that the sight of boxes and moving vans give us chills down our backs. And funny thing is that I've literally been moving since the day I was born. My then young and naive parents failed realize that when a doctor gives a due date for a baby, it's in everyones best interest not to set an important event on that specific day. Important events such as...well oh say, moving!? They had set one of many moving dates on my due date failing to realize that it would it would be chaotic. And it was from what I hear. In total I think we've moved about 11 times. I guess many people find it interesting, especially that I've lived in places outside of Canada, but being the shy person I am in new situations, it didn't make for fun or interesting times.

Although at the same time, I don't think I'd be the same person had it not been for all the experiences that came with all the moving. I'm definitely more open-minded as a result, and have probably gained more insight into the world than someone my age who's lived here their whole life especially having gone to an international school in Malaysia and meeting people from all over the world.

Overall I don't really like change of any sorts, though people are always telling me that change is good. But what theyre really saying is that something that you didnt want to happen has happened, so deal with it. And as much as that is true and as much change as I've had to endure, I still prefer the stability and dependibility factor over the confusion and uneasiness. But oddly enough I get restless without some sort of spontaneity occuring now and then...I guess that goes for everyone, but maybe I've just gotten used to things becoming different every little while (confused yet? No? Then someone please explain it to me, because I sure am!). I guess all those people mean that change is good because it brings about new opportunities and challeneges and allows you to learn something new about yourself...maybe theyre right, but in the meantime, it still sucks.

Blogger Sarah said...
I dunno what it is ... BUT sooo many ppl move around the due date of their child.. as if having a child isn't stressful enough!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
being a "drop out" is not such a bad thing is it ??
May i remind you of two very well known highly successful "drop outs"....
1. Bill Gates
2. Lawrence Ellison - CEO Oracle

and one day God willing ...
3. Faisal Malik - CEO, GO Truck Transportaion INC. :)


Blogger AKA said...
LOL! I wish you the best of luck with all your future aspirations Faisal. And I'm sure GO Truck Transportation Inc will require legal services right? :)
I wonder if there really is a company called GO Truck inc...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
MSN is so great!... I can't believe I went off it for 1 week! AKA, u don't know what u'r missing! Come on back and experience it for yourself, u know u want to. It won't hurt. Come on! Do it for your friends :D.


ps. i am with faisal on this one... one day faisal, one day, iA!

Blogger AKA said...
Noooooo! Just 3 more days to go! I haven't cracked so far so I have faith that I can stick with it til the end. Plus, I am actually supporting friends who are in this project with me :D (shame on the rest of you for trying to get me to crack...shame!)

Blogger RandomLiterati said...
Hey hey hey...anything to do with the GO Truck has to go through me first since I am the inventor and creator of it!!! But as I previously discussed with Faisal, if i get 50% of the profit then he can remain CEO =P

Blogger AKA said...
corporate takeover :D

Blogger twistedbrick said...
Hi Kh...oops I was about to type out your real name but I thought that might not be a good idea because not many ppl like having their real names posted online.
Anyway, I've been to 7 different schools and moved house 13 times. On my resume, I use the fact that I've moved a lot, to my advantage: "The fact that I have relocated several times throughout my lifetime has developed my ability to adapt easily to new situations and people." hahaha....I'm less likely to complain about things being "different" because what do you have to do but adapt!
Do you feel that because you have moved a lot, you will be that way too once you become independent from your family? I think I will, because I want to live in different places around the world. Other people wwho have stayed in the same place all their life feel uncomfortable doing that. Anyway, it's definetly shaped who I am.