Friends - I'm losing it. I'm staring at my computer now for maybe - likely - the 100th hour...I've lost count. And my sanity.
It's exam time - first set of law school exams ever. And many others out there are facing exam time too. To them I say: may God help you in your most needy hour and make sure all that you study sticks in your brain cells, and that you not go blank when the sheer terror that is the "test paper" is placed face down on your desk.
To those basking in the glow of freedom: Don't talk to me or come near me until Dec 15th. I may involuntarily hurt you.
I know all the lovely people will encourage me by saying, "you'll do great! You'll pass with such high flying colours that trapeze artists will be asking for tips!"
But to them I say, HOW DO YOU KNOW!? How do you know I won't CRASH AND BURN!? What if I go blank!?!? What if my laptop, only 5 months old, CRASHES on me while writing my exam!?! What if I colour in all the little bubbles on the Scantron sheet!?
Okay...I think I'm passing out due to self-inflicted panic....
Hey you... I completely know what you're going through. Like I've said before, first semester of first year was HELL. But Allhumdulillah I survived, and so will you. Don't sweat it. Remember, it's new for everyone so everyone is as screwed as you. :P
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Just keep at what you're doing and you will be okay. (I KNOW you will be!)