Tuesday, August 01, 2006
After over 4 years at my job, Saturday was my last day. Further proof that I'm actually on my way to leaving all that is normal for the semi-unknown. It was sad, because despite all the whining, I still adore all the people I work with and the few odd clients (many who were kind enough to call or come in on my last day to wish me luck).

I had to give Rogers a one-month notice today that I will be canceling my cell phone service as of August 31st as well. I cancelled my gym membership. Decreased all the limits on my credit cards. Added my parents to my bank accounts. Filled out all the forms for the Ontario Ministry of Health, to let them know that I'll be moving (apparently you have to inform them of every move you make to make sure you're always eligible for coverage).

There's still a long checklist to go, but slowly everything seems to be wrapping up. Oddly, it still hasn't hit me that I'm moving. Maybe once I'm actually there, unpacking boxes, will I actually absorb the fact that I'm starting a new part of my life. In the mean time I'm replying to questions ("So, are you ready?") and trying to tie up loose ends (cell phone service, organizing stationary supplies). I think subconsciously I may just be avoiding the idea of moving. Though a certain friend just believes I'm being lazy and it has nothing to do with my 'subconscious' (Ahem, I have a degree in psychology -- I think I know a couple things about the way a mind works, missy). Just until about a month ago, I hated it when anyone would bring up the move, or school, or a combination of the two. It's not just the embedded disdain for Michigan I've always had (it just shows how great my luck is that I'd end up there of all 50 US states. Irony is not amusing.). But I've always hated change. I think I've even written lengthy blog posts on more than one occasion just on that topic. And this isn't just the whole "they've discontinued oatmeal raisin cookies at Starbucks" type of change (can you believe they did that!?), this is that "you're stranded alone on a deserted island with only a volleyball to keep you company" deals.

Yes, ok -- fine. It's not that drastic. But it's close. Feels so close that I think all I need are a few coconuts and a volleyball to make the scenario complete (I think my mom has packed both...). It just feels odd to have all these things finishing. To say 'goodbye' to friends and family.

Everyone keeps telling me I'll be fine. That this will be a great experience for me and that I'll do well. Much appreciated, really and truly. But in reality, they're not the ones moving. They get to keep a 416 area code for their cell phones, whereas I have to adopt a 517. Miniscule, tiny detail, but it's still there. They don't have to land in a city of strangers and start a new horrifying experience, commonly known as law school.

Oh I know, cry me a river. Poor lil 23 year old has to become independent and do something so horrible as go to law school to, hopefully, have a good career. Wah, wah, wah. I get it, I'm not appreciating it for what it's worth. Glass is half empty when it really is half full. In short, I'm whining, right? Well to those who think so, I say, get off my blog (though thanks for dropping by!).

In actuality, I am excited. Obviously, a little nervous (enough to make me defensive and berate people in cyber-space). I do believe that whatever will happen will be for the best -- and if not, I'll help turn the situation around to make it so.

Still, with the prospect of being alone in a brand new place (country!), I can't help but wonder what to name my volleyball (since Wilson is already taken). Tom?

Blogger m.reza said...
from one spotless mind to the other! wish you luck and happiness, where ever you go. (i hate 647! i am happy with my 416, but 517 dosent sound too bad!) good luck again.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
name it wally... short for wallyball... that way, u won't forget how to speak bramptonian while u'r in detroit... :P

Anonymous Anonymous said...
OK though I am just one more person to tell you that you will be fine, i still mean it! You're a brave, bright girl and though it will defnitely be hard at first, you'll overcome any and all obstacles and do better than any of us have imagined. Make sure you come to see me before you leave!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
but you'll keep on with this blog right??? It's quite insightful, and one actually feels somewhat smarter by reading your posts. Perhaps its the psychology terms and techniques you use, or perhaps its the fact that you're going to law school, and so everyone assumes you're a genious who knows what she is talking about lol.

I would tend to agree with former, eh my dear watson?

So just Keep on Keepin' on.

Blogger AKA said...
M.Reza - thank you for your wishes! I don't like the 647 either; they have a new 289 area code too which I don't like even more!

Rehan - I don't think I could even forget to speak bramptonian. That stuff sticks in your head like super glue.

Furheen - Thank you very very much for all your words of support. I'll call you soon so we can get together.

Azfar - I'm so honoured to have you comment on my blog for the first time! I will defnitely keep this blog, though with the busy schedule who knows how often I can post. You're already smart, so maybe my blog brings the feeling out more? But that's still very kind of you to say. I don't think any of what I say is anywhere near insightful (and miles from being genius), but hey, if you think so, then pass the word around ;)

Blogger Sarah said...
Deeeeej!!! Was just catching up on ur posts... and Azfar hit the nail on the head.. i feel more intelligent (or is it intelligenter? :P) reading your posts too. So don't stop with the blogging Missy & i wanna know what ur upto while ur in Dtown.. every step of the way. And you know u can keep a (905) number while ur in Detroit.. if u subscribe to this service from Vonage (I think thats what the company is named). A coupla my bro's friends who are living outside of Ontario have it.. one of them is even in Qatar. So do that.. that way when we call u it'll be local for us and if u call us it'll be local too! Anywho Deej... no stress.. jus know that we're all rooting for you and making duaa for you.