Kellogg's Vectory cereal is called a "meal repleacement" cereal...if you're going to be eating this, or anything for that matter, during breakfast/lunch/dinner, doesn't that edible item become your meal replacement?!
How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do "practice?"
Why lawyers charge for every noticeable movement you or they make on your behalf. I mean there's a damn copy fee! For photocopying. Does paper, toner and pushing a button really add up to that much? (Yes, this coming from me. Who just may end up charging that very fee in the future)
Why is there no chanel 01?
How in the world a Michiganer(??) can make fun of a Canadian accent when they pronounce many 'o' sounds as 'a'. Thamas. Apportunity.
Why do people on MSN Messenger (and anything similar) put "DND [do not disturb]!!! Do not msg under any circumstances, I m very bz" next to their names when they don't want others sending them a message - why not just 'appear offline' or be offline altogether?
If the majority dislikes the US so much, why is the world homogenizing itself as it's mirror image?
The warning "Caution! Contents are hot" on styrofoam/paper coffee cups (Actually I do get that one - the random idiot who spills it on himself may decide to sue when he scalds himself...damn lawyers :p)
Why does my school needs proof of financing for an 1-20 form to be issued, but my financer needs an 1-20 to give me funding.
Why do people have stopped thanking the drivers who let them into their lanes! (A wave or a flick of the hand is all I ask, c'mon)
Why we can't have a group of Prime Ministers/Presidents. Wouldn't it be more fair that way, rather than to elect one person to that position?
I had a few more, but my short-term memory has lost any trace of what they were. Instead I'm still giggling to myself about the Sherman's Lagoon comic from a couple days ago:
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