7.50am - Arrive at work, Tim Horton's (2 milks and 1 sugar, please) in hand
7.52am - Say my 'good mornings' to everyone after logging into my computer
7.54am - Chat with coworkers
8.00am - Doors are open for business (the early rising customers arrive)
8.01am - Go to thestar.com --> skim headlines; read the editorial cartoon; read the comics (Sherman's Lagoon is a must)
8.07am - Read actual news stories
8.25-30 - Go to torontosun.com; read more comics (Adam and Ziggy)
9.00am - Customer arrives; try to pan him/her/them off on someone else
9.20am - Customer leaves
9.30am - 11.59pm - More arrive...more leave; attempt actual "work"; log in to MSN while attempting "work"; go to my daily visited websites; check on any eBay auctions I'm bidding on.
12.00pm - LUNCH!
1.00pm - Now it's busy (boo) must put on the professional persona and model employee cloak and carry on with the afternoon
4.00pm - T-minus 30 minutes and counting; pretend to be busy so I don't have to serve more clients
4.10pm - 20 minutes to go
4.25pm - Store away files and work (i.e. throw into drawer where I can worry about it tomorrow)
4.30 - Freedom! I mean, ahem, home time...how quickly the day goes.
10:00: get my butt to work (was supposed to be here 1 hr ago but tell boss that will be working until 6:00 today)
10:00-12:00: surf, blog
12:00-2:00: lunch
2:00-4:00: do some work
4:30: leave after boss leaves
I know, I should be better. But hey, I'm efficient and it takes me 2 hours to do what others would take 8 hours to do (hey, it'll take a 3rd grader that long so I'm not lying!)
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10:00: get my butt to work (was supposed to be here 1 hr ago but tell boss that will be working until 6:00 today)
10:00-12:00: surf, blog
12:00-2:00: lunch
2:00-4:00: do some work
4:30: leave after boss leaves
I know, I should be better. But hey, I'm efficient and it takes me 2 hours to do what others would take 8 hours to do (hey, it'll take a 3rd grader that long so I'm not lying!)
7:38: get into the hospital, line up for coffee
7:45: get into the office
7:45-8:30: read the toronto star (i actually read the NEWS part =P)
8:30-9:15: talk to coworkers
9:15-11: randomly surf the net, slack off
the rest of the day: rush becuase i know i slacked off too much and have to get the work done!!!
And Shaz i know what you really do at work.. it starts with Bhangra..
And Deej.. you gotta stop the counting down!!