Thursday, October 20, 2005
Now if I can't blatantly admit something on my own online journal, where else can I do it?

I think I have a bit of a shopping problem (I'll pause while some of you get over the "shock"). Yeah this admission was a long time coming, but now I'm putting it out there in attempts to possibly control this habit by publicly (verbally) flogging myself. I know many people, mainly guys, would say "that’s a typical girl for you", but in my frequent attempts to rid myself of the "typical girl" label, I’ve got to defend myself in saying that I did not pick up this habit in trying to copy other girls. Though I don’t know exactly where, when or how I got the shopping bug, I can say that it wasn’t to follow anyone else.

While admitting this however, I have to say, I’m really not that bad (*cough* denial *cough*). But really, compared to some of my coworkers and other to-remain-nameless-friends I don’t think I’m so over the edge that I need to cut up my credit cards and get the mall to have a restraining order slapped on me (though lowering my credit limits might help averting both dangers). I don’t go shopping every week or even every month and I’m a bargain hunter, though I will splurge time to time when it seems right (you get a little feeling in your heart when you see the right sweater).

But my problem comes with being an impulse shopper. Those damn knick-knacks by the checkout counter get me every time, as do the "buy on get one ½ off" deals (if that isn’t value, I don’t know what is). Plus the constant looming shadow of salespeople over me just adds pressure to the point that I’m afraid of them. Once they come at me with some product and start explaining how great it is, I get suckered into it and feel bad that they spent all that time explaining the whatchamacallit to me, so I buy it (meanwhile reminding myself to hang on to the receipt so I can return it). Not much hope for a future lawyer who gets talked down within 3 minutes hm?

Believe it or not I’ve gotten much better (like I said, believe it or not – it’s true). I’ve trained myself to turn and walk the other way when I see a salesperson coming, or, if they somehow do corner me, I’ve mastered the "thanks for your help, I’ll look around and come back" line – polite and to the point.

Funny part about all of this is that I am that salesperson. I have been for the past 6 years in every job I’ve had. Whether it be selling work wear, dishes, or accounts, I use those same scheming tactics to reel in a potential buyer. Told you it was funny. You’d think, being in that whole mindset, that I’d know better and understand the tricks of the trade. You’d think that wouldn’t you.

Damn eBay. Damn it and all the great deals. Now, not only do I have the pressure of being careful of what I buy in a store, but the same conflict stares at me from my PC. To bid, or not to bid. Nothing poetic about it. I’ve gotten some great things online at great prices, which I use so it’s not impractical spending. But the threat is there. Every time I search for something, or a seller I previously purchased something from emails me with new deals, I bite my nails to keep from clicking in just to browse around.

A lot of this was the old me – the more carefree credit-happy spender (hey, a lot of it was for family, I may be flighty with my money but at least it’s not all for me). In recent months I’ve smartened up and backed away from the sales signs and auction pages. It could be because I know how much I need to save up for law school, or that my 23rd birthday is coming up in exactly 10 days so the age is making me all the wiser. Or it could even be that "Shopaholic" book series that made me realize how bad it could get for some people.

Then again it may be simply that I just don’t have any more drawers to put things in...
Blogger twistedbrick said...
I've become prone to buying food when I'm out. Emotional eating. Credit cards are dangerous. There are always things I NEED to buy, and credit cards help faciliate that. I should just cut it up.

Blogger Sarah said...
Deej... the 1st step is Denial.. and so it seems that you have graduated to the next step... GUILT! Yo, it happens to the best of us... the net is dangerous man! The first time you buy something.. it's just to test the waters.. after that you're hooked! Even tho I try to stay clear of giving my credit card info online... i find myself giving in more and more with each transaction... now Azfar wants me to buy him something... but with him, i won't feel so guilty.. cuz he's my wittle babay. Here's a surefire way to kick the habit... DON'T GO ON EBAY!!

Blogger RandomLiterati said...
I still blame you for my shopping "binge"...

Blogger AKA said...
But Sarah, eBay is bookmarked on my favorites and for the life of me, I can't delete it...PLUS I've been selling items on eBay too, so I can buy things from the money I make, so it's not *really* spending, is it?

Plus you can get some amazing bags through them...and jewelry...and makeup...and books (see, there's a worthy buy in there)...

Blogger Sarah said...
Deeja Noooooo.. don't get me started on Ebay...must not give in to deeja sellin me Ebay.. bank acct cannot handle!

Blogger AKA said...
Man, I've almost got Romana onto it...and Shaz...

You're not far off...muahaha