Monday, November 08, 2004
Hi! I've had this blog thing set up for a long time now but never got around to posting because I figured I didnt have much to say, and what I did have to say, I'd tell the people who'd want to hear it! But then the US 2004 Election happened...and I realize I had a lot more to get out than I thought. Plus my friend Sarah has one and it looks like fun so I thought I'd give it a try! You can see hers at (ok Sarah, now you have to hype up my site =P). So I'll try my best to keep up to date with this wandering thoughts, or articles...etc. Oh and you can have the privilege of following me in my law school application adventures...which I'll post lots about soon enough!

Blogger AKA said...
*I brought these comments over from the other site...just because!*

At 9:25 PM, Sarah said...
Go Jujuuuuu!! Took you long enough ...I can't wait to read ur blog... you'd better keep it upto date... and trust me, you always have the funniest, most creative things to say... no pressure or anything though :P

At 9:36 PM, BanikaB said...
I love how I was left outta the mix....I was following your law school apps long before there was a Blog to post them on...

The level of hurt I'm feeling can't be described in words...maybe I'll just have to eat my sorrows away and then it can be described in pounds...

At 9:59 PM, Sarah said...
Anika.. you could use a coupla pounds... :P

Blogger RandomLiterati said...
Anika could use more than just a couple are such a skinny little thing! Whoa was that an auntie-ish thing to say or what?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I wish there was a way I could give away some of my pounds to Anika...hmmmm...